My Ignite Seattle 19 Talk

Last month I gave a short talk at a super fun event: Ignite Seattle. If you don't know, Ignite is an awesome ongoing series where people give (hopefully) interesting talks. Each presentation is only 5 minutes and the slides auto-change every 15 seconds. This makes it especially fun and challenging for the presenters!

The wonderful Ignite organizer, Monica Guzman, also interviewed me for the Seattle Times Blog, which also led to a fun radio interview last week! I had a total blast with the Ignite talk. The crowd was about 730 people, and tons of positive energy! I'd love to do another Ignite, maybe next time on astronomy stuff.

I also learned a lot by prepping for this talk. I probably practiced 25 times over a couple days, which I think helped immensely. Everyone should be required to give talks like this where you have no control and no ability to go over time (*ahem* AAS)

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